Monday 18 February 2013

Trying to stay accountable

Well how to start this.  I have never blogged before so this is all very new to me.  The reason for starting this blog was to try and make myself more accountable in my struggle to take off my 20 extra pounds.  I know its not a lot of weight and it might seem silly to some people but for me it is a constant struggle.  I'm not happy about how I feel or how my clothes fit.  I am a busy mom of three and find any reason to fall off my weight lose wagon and any reason not to exercise. I'm hoping this blog will give me some accountability as I am now putting it out there for all the world to see.  Perhaps you can keep me motivated or perhaps I can help just one other mom get motivated or at least feel like they aren't alone in their weight loss struggle.  The plan is to track everything about my weight loss.  My successes as well as my struggles. 

My goal for myself over the next few months is to lose 20 lbs and ultimately fit back into my wedding dress.  I took pictures of myself this morning in my bikini as well as my wedding dress that I will post.  I can't believe I am going to post these, however embarrassing.  However if I can't share everything there is no point in doing this, Right?  Warning!!! Some of them aren't pretty so please don't judge but hopefully in a few months it will be a better sight. 

My current weight is 166.6 lbs.  My goal is to get down to 145 lbs and fit into my wedding dress and to be able to rock a bikini once again.  My fitness goal is to do a 10km run this summer.  Right now I would be lucky to run 1/2 a km. 

So there it is for all the world to see.  I will update at least once a week with my weekly weigh in and let you all know how I am doing.  Thanks so much for following.  Wish me luck. 

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